
The Darling Buds of May Piano Album. 钢琴 钢琴独奏 博浩版

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当我们开始根据 H. E. 贝茨的精彩著作制作电视连续剧时,我们并不知道《五月的花蕾》会赢得整个英国的喜爱!能在如此大的程度上抓住公众的想象力,确实非常难得,我们后来也多次反思过出现这种现象的可能原因。当然,这其中有令人回味的故事和精彩的人物,但也许更多的是由于它的英国特色。我们急于在系列音乐中反映这一点,将其建立在故事的魔力和拉金斯一家的浪漫情怀之上。这也意味着我们可以受到 20 世纪 50 年代流行的音乐风格的影响,并从我们乡村独特的美景中获得灵感。正如流行音乐所说--Perfick!Pip Burley 和 Barrie Guard"

作曲家: Burley, Pip / Guard, Barrie
校订者: Norton, Christopher
乐器: piano
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

A Breath of French Air - Dinner in the Shade - Girl in Yellow - Gore Court March - Home Farm - On the River - Perfick! - Pop's Rolls Royce - Strawberry Time - The Gymkhana - The Hop-Pickers' Hop

Little did we know when we set out to make a television series based on the wonderful books by H. E. Bates that The Darling Buds of May would win the hearts of the entire British nation! To capture the public's imagination to such an extent is rare indeed and we have reflected many times since on the possible reasons for this phenomenon. Of course, there are the evocative stories and the wonderful characters, but perhaps more than anything else it is due to the Englishness of it all.We were anxious to reflect this in the music for the series, basing it around the magic of the story and the romance of the Larkins themselves. This also meant allowing ourselves to be influenced by the musical styles popular in the 1950s, and inspired by the unique beauty of our countryside. As Pop would say - Perfick!Pip Burley and Barrie Guard
页数: 24
重量(g): 110
ISMN: 9790060090165
ISBN: 9780851621128
UPC: 73999729733