
The Complete Sonatas Edited from the sources by Christiane Wiesenfeld. Fingerings and Notes on Interpretation by Manuel Fischer-Dieskau and Peter Roggenkamp. 莱内克 奏鸣曲 音符诠释 大提琴加钢琴 维也纳原典版

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卡尔-莱内克曾担任莱比锡格万特豪斯管弦乐团指挥多年,是 19 世纪下半叶音乐家中最重要的人物之一。他的三首大提琴与钢琴奏鸣曲具有令人惊叹的音乐质量,可与约翰内斯-勃拉姆斯的奏鸣曲相媲美。然而,更令人惊讶的是,这些作品直到现在都没有一个值得一提的文本版本;大提琴演奏家通常只能依靠现存不多的初版本。现在,维纳乌文版填补了这一空白--恰逢作曲家逝世 100 周年。它将所有三首奏鸣曲收录在一册中,从而为 19 世纪不甚全面的大提琴与钢琴室内乐曲目增添了三首浪漫主义室内乐杰作"

作曲家: Reinecke, Carl
编者: Wiesenfeldt, Christiane
校订者: Fischer-Dieskau, Manuel / Roggenkamp, Peter
乐器: cello and piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition

Preface - Notes on interpreation - Sonat, op. 42 - Sonata, op. 89 - Sonata, op. 238 - Critical Notes

Having been the conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra for many years, Carl Reinecke was one of the most important figures among musicians in the second half of the 19th century. His three sonatas for violoncello and piano are of amazing musical quality which puts them right up with sonatas of Johannes Brahms. It is all the more surprising, however, that a noteworthy urtext edition of these works did not exist up until now; cellists often had to fall back on copies of the first editions only a few of which were extant. This gap is now closed by the Wiener Urtext Edition - right in time for the 100th anniversary of the composer's death. It encompasses all three sonatas in one volume, thus adding three masterpieces of Romantic chamber music to the less than comprehensive repertoire of the 19th century for violoncello and piano.
页数: 114
重量(g): 510
ISMN: 9790500573210
ISBN: 9783850556958
UPC: 800522002557