
Symhony No. 1 阿侯 总谱 芬尼卡·盖尔曼版

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阿霍的第一交响曲是在弦乐四重奏的基础上发展起来的,于 1969 年完成。这是他在作曲老师艾诺朱哈尼-劳塔瓦拉(Einojuhani Rautavaara)的指导下完成的第一部大型管弦乐作品。 这部四乐章交响曲公开引用了这一时期对阿霍风格影响最大的两位作曲家的作品。 具体而言,第一乐章和第四乐章的赋格设计中的协奏曲技巧表明了他对 J. S. 巴赫音乐的深刻理解。第二乐章是一首华尔兹舞曲,节奏轻松,如同快板,但又充满了讽刺幽默,尤其让人联想到马勒;而第三乐章的急板,可以说是阿霍通过马勒的过滤,尝试创作一首当代风格的巴洛克大协奏曲(虽然肖斯塔科维奇的管弦乐作品也出现在这一乐章中,但有趣的是,阿霍声称自己当时并不了解俄罗斯人的音乐)。尽管第一交响曲受到了这些明显的影响,但我们不应把它仅仅看作是一个学生作曲家努力寻找个人声音的产物;相反,阿霍成熟的和声语言和对乐队的巧妙处理在这部作品中无处不在。 简而言之,这部交响曲之所以能在音乐厅获得成功,直接原因在于阿霍特有的艺术魅力与这些重要的音乐影响之间的平衡

作曲家: Aho, Kalevi
乐器: orchestra
出版社: Fennica Gehrman

Andante - Allegretto - Presto - Andante - Allegro non troppo

Aho's First Symphony developed out of work on a string quartet and was completed in 1969. It was his first substantial orchestral work under the tutelage of his composition teacher, Einojuhani Rautavaara. The four-movement symphony contains overt references to the two composers most influential upon Aho’s style from this time period. Specifically, the contrapuntal mastery of the fugal designs in the first and fourth movements identify his deep appreciation of the music of J. S. Bach; the second movement is a waltz paced at a relaxed tempo of Allegretto, but suffused with sardonic humor particularly reminiscent of Mahler; and the Presto third movement may be best described as Aho’s attempt to compose a contemporary-styled Baroque concerto grosso, filtered through Mahler (although features of Shostakovich’s orchestral writing appear in this movement, interestingly, Aho claims to not have known the Russian’s music at this time). Despite these overt influences, the first symphony should not be viewed solely as the product of a student composer struggling to find his individual voice; on the contrary, attributes of Aho’s mature harmonic language and skillful treatment of the orchestra pervade the work. In short, its successful reception in the concert hall may be directly attributed to the assured balance between Aho’s characteristic artistry and these vital musical influences.
页数: 0
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790042083000