
Soliloquy for Clarinet and String Quartet 竖笛 弦乐四重奏

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来自作曲家独白是为纪念我于 1975 年 9 月 1 日去世的父亲而作。他担任纽约爱乐乐团首席长达 23 年之久,我至今仍难以忘怀没有他坐在第一把交椅上的乐团。因此,为单簧管和小提琴创作一段扩展对话的想法似乎不仅是自然的,而且是不可避免的。Soliloquy 一开始是一段长长的、无伴奏的小提琴乐句。其他弦乐进入后,单簧管开始了持续的抒情。主要的感觉是荒凉。我刻意避免在 Soliloquy 中出现情绪高潮,因为我觉得在整个乐章中保持同样的情绪会使音乐更加强烈。在结构上,这个乐章交替使用了两种旋律。第一个旋律由小提琴(降 B 调)引入,第二个旋律(降 B 调)由单簧管表现。在两个调性的交替中,产生了一个三个音的格言(升 C、升 B、降 B),为乐章提供了第三个主要元素。乐章的结尾与开始时一样,同样是小提琴的长音,这次加入了单簧管"

作曲家: John Corigliano
乐器: Clarinet;String Quartet
From the composer: Soliloquy was written in memory of my father, who died on September 1, 1975. He had been a concertmaster of the New York Philharmonic for 23 years, and I still find it hard to think of that orchestra without him sitting in the first chair. So the idea of an extended dialogue for clarinet and violin seemed not only natural but inevitable. The Soliloquy begins with a long, unaccompanied line for the violin. The other strings enter, and a mood of sustained lyricism introduces the clarinet. The prevailing feeling is that of desolation. I deliberately avoided an emotional climax in the Soliloquy, feeling that sustaining the same mood throughout the music would achieve a heightened intensity. Structurally, this movement alternates two melodic ideas. The first is introduced by the violin (in B), while the second (in B-flat) is represented by the clarinet. A three-note motto (C-sharp, B, B-flat) grows from the alternation of the two tonalities and provides a third major element. The movement ends as it began, with the same long violin line, this time joined by the clarinet.

页数: 0
重量(g): 138.915
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9781495095665
UPC: 888680694784
