
Six Sonatas op. I Urtext 萨玛悌尼.朱塞佩 奏鸣曲 歌词 双长笛 齐默尔曼版

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朱塞佩-萨马蒂尼作为双簧管演奏家的名声毋庸置疑,但作为作曲家,他的地位却始终仅次于弟弟乔瓦尼-巴蒂斯塔。两人都出生在米兰,是法国双簧管演奏家圣马丁的儿子。朱塞佩(Giuseppe,*1695 年)于 1727 年左右前往英国,因在亨德尔的歌剧中演奏双簧管和担任威尔士王妃的音乐总监而闻名。他于 1750 年在伦敦去世。朱塞佩-萨马蒂尼留下的主要是器乐作品,其中大部分直到他去世后才出版。凭借这部作品,他在同时代的音乐家中赢得了当之无愧的声誉。这六首奏鸣曲是《18 世纪上意大利长笛音乐》系列的一部分,难度中等。第一支长笛是主奏,而第二支长笛主要是伴奏"

作曲家: Sammartini, Giuseppe
校订者: Delius, Nikolaus
乐器: 2 flutes (oboes)
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Beyond doubt is Giuseppe Sammartini's fame as an oboist; as a composer, however, he always came second after his younger brother Giovanni Battista. Both were born in Milan as sons to the French oboist Saint Martin. Giuseppe (*1695) went to England around 1727 and became famous there both for playing the oboe in Handel's operas and for being the Music Director of the Princess of Wales. He died in London in 1750. It was mainly instrumental work that Giuseppe Sammartini left behind, the larger part of which was not published until after his death. For this work, he posthumously earned the well-deserved fame among the contemporaries who outlived him. The six sonatas which are part of the series Flute music of the 18th century in Upper Italy are of intermediate difficulty. The first flute is the leading one, whereas the second one is mainly accompanying.

语言: German
页数: 44
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790010347905
