
Scherzo in B minor, Op. 20 - Revised Edition Piano Solo - Revised Edition 肖邦 诙谐曲 钢琴 亨乐版

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肖邦最激进的作品之一--《B小调小快板》很少能让听众不为之动容。主部狂野而充满粗暴的不协和音,肖邦在其中以神奇的手法为钢琴改编了一首波兰歌曲,并将其定格为一首亲切的三重奏。据传说,这部作品创作于1830年底的维也纳,当时肖邦刚刚永远离开故乡。当时华沙爆发了十一月起义,作曲家既想反抗命运,又思乡心切。修订版的《B小调小快板》首次以Henle Urtext单行本的形式面世--《小快板2-4》将陆续面世,最后以修订版全集收尾"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校订者: Hans-Martin Theopold
乐器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
One of Chopin's most radical compositions, the Scherzo in B minor, leaves very few listeners untouched. The main part, which is wild and full of brutal dissonances, frames an intimate Trio in which Chopin transcribes a Polish song for the piano with a magic touch. According to legend, the work was composed at the end of 1830 in Vienna, when Chopin had just left his homeland for good. The November uprising had broken out in Warsaw, and the composer alternated between wanting to revolt against fate and feeling inconsolably homesick. The revised edition of the Scherzo in B minor is available as a single edition in Henle Urtext for the first time – the Scherzi 2-4 are to follow, finally rounded off by the revised complete volume.

页数: 32
重量(g): 144.585
UPC: 888680662462
