
Salve Regina Cantilena choralis 女王合唱 大提琴加钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $680TWD - 原价 $680TWD
$680TWD - $680TWD
现价 $680TWD

1982年9月25日,比利时管风琴家耶夫-安塞乌(Jef Anseeuw)在伊泽格姆的海利格-哈特教堂(Heilig-Hart Kerk)与大提琴家利文-范德瓦勒(Lieven Vanderwalle)共同完成了这首小品的世界首演。乐曲以对初始主题 "Salve Regina "的转述开始,由大提琴在低音区演奏。随后,大提琴演奏了歌曲的全部旋律。象样的管风琴伴奏仅限于一些短小的间奏,在这些间奏中,格里高利旋律的主题以模仿的方式提前演奏,就像古典合唱前奏曲一样。这首抒情、沉思的作品非常适合在礼拜仪式或音乐会上演奏,并可与施罗德的《玛丽亚反音》(ED 4538)中的大型管风琴作品《Salve Regina》结合作为入门曲"

作曲家: Schroeder, Hermann
编者: Adamek, Hans-Ulrich
乐器: cello and organ
出版社: Schott Music
This little work was composed at the suggestion of the Belgian organist Jef Anseeuw who performed the world premiere at the Heilig-Hart Kerk in Izegem on 25 September 1982 together with Lieven Vanderwalle on the violoncello. The piece begins with a paraphrase of the initial motif 'Salve Regina' which is intonated by the cello in the low register. The cello then plays the entire melody of the song. The decent organ accompaniment is limited to some short interludes in which motifs of the Gregorian melody, as in a classical chorale prelude, are played in advance in an imitative manner. The lyrical, meditative composition is ideal for services or concerts and can be combined as an introductory piece with the large-scale organ composition 'Salve Regina' from Schroeder's 'Marianische Antiphone' (ED 4538).

页数: 10
重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790001149563
UPC: 841886009714
