
Romance op. 10 威廉密 浪漫曲 小提琴加钢琴

原价 $660TWD - 原价 $660TWD
$660TWD - $660TWD
现价 $660TWD

奥古斯特-威廉于 1845 年出生于乌森(陶努斯)。他在很小的时候就成为了一位杰出的小提琴演奏家。在李斯特的推荐下,他于 1861 年至 1864 年在莱比锡音乐学院接受了完整的音乐教育。在此期间,他还在格万德豪斯音乐厅演出。自 1862 年起,他就与理查德-瓦格相识,并成为其狂热的追随者。他是拜罗伊特首演《尼伯龙根的指环》的首席。完成学业后,他开始了自己的独奏家生涯,曾多次参加巡回演出,足迹遍布欧洲各地,后来甚至远赴海外。1871 年,威廉姆杰被授予皇家教授称号。他在莱茵河畔的比布里希创办了自己的小提琴学校。1886 年至 1893 年,他在德累斯顿-布拉塞维兹任教。1894 年,他在伦敦市政厅音乐学校担任小提琴教师,并于 1908 年去世。在作曲方面,威廉姆杰追随新德国学派,该学派在弗朗茨-李斯特(Franz Liszt)的领导下,将自己与维也纳古典主义风格区分开来。这里介绍的作品《E大调浪漫曲Op. 这里介绍的 E 大调浪漫曲作品 10 最初是为小提琴和管弦乐队而作,1872 年由 Schlesinger 首次出版"

作曲家: Wilhelmj, August
乐器: violin and orchestra
出版社: Musikverlag Robert Lienau
August Wilhelmj was born in Usingen (Taunus) in 1845. At a surprisingly early age he developed into an eminent violin virtuoso. It was on Franz Liszt's recommendation that he received a complete musical education at the Leipzig conservatory between 1861 and 1864. During that period, he also performed in the Gewandhaus. Having been acquainted with Richard Wager since 1862, he turned into his ardent follower. He was the principal at the first performance of the Ring of the Nibelung in Bayreuth. On completing his studies, he started his career as a soloist with numerous concert tours which first took him all around Europe and later even overseas. In 1871, Wilhelmj was awarded the title of Professor Royal. He founded his own violin school in Biebrich on the Rhine. From 1886 until 1893 he taught in Dresden-Blasewitz. In 1894, he took up the position of violin teacher at the Guildhall Music School in London where he died in 1908. In his compositions, Wilhelmj followed the New German school which - under the leadership of Franz Liszt - set itself apart from the style of Viennese Classicism. The Romance op. 10 in E Major presented here was originally written for violin and orchestra and was first published by Schlesinger in 1872.

语言: German - English - French
页数: 10
重量(g): 70
ISMN: 9790011409701

