
Présence Ballet blanc in five scenes for violin, cello and piano 秦摩曼贝恩德 钢琴三重奏 芭蕾大提琴钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
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贝恩德-阿洛伊斯-齐默尔曼除了在音乐方面有广泛的造诣外,在其他领域,尤其是哲学和文学方面,也有极深的造诣。这位作曲家潜心研究哲学领域的时间概念:他因提出 "时间的球形性 "而闻名。在他的作品《Présence》中,看似互不相干的元素被拉到了一起,形成了一种包罗万象的同时性。三位乐器演奏家被指定为齐默尔曼作品中的文学人物,他们都可以被视为齐默尔曼作品中的常客:乌布-罗伊(Ubu Roi)(钢琴)是阿尔弗雷德-雅里(Alfred Jarry)荒诞剧中一个贪婪怪诞的漫画式暴君,米格尔-德-塞万提斯(Miguel de Cervantes)的《堂吉诃德》(小提琴)和詹姆斯-乔伊斯(James Joyce)的开创性小说《尤利西斯》(Ulysses)中的莫莉-布鲁姆(Molly Bloom)(大提琴)。乐器演奏者由一位无声(!)的 "演讲者 "伴奏,演讲者在乐章之间嘶吼保罗-波特纳的诗集《Wurzelwerk》中所谓的 "词徽"。第 3 场的 "词徽 "引用了普罗科菲耶夫的《钢琴奏鸣曲作品 83》和施托克豪森的《时代》中的音乐:"Alle Wahrvögel nisten in einem einzigen Baum"(所有真正的鸟儿都在一棵树上筑巢)

作曲家: Zimmermann Bernd Alois
乐器: piano trio
出版社: Schott Music

I Introduction et pas d'action (Don Quichote) - II Pas de deux (Don Quichote et Ubu) - III Solo (pas d'Ubu) - IV Pas de deux (Molly Bloom et Don Quichote) - V Pas d'action et finale (Molly Bloom)

In addition to his extensive musical expertise, Bernd Alois Zimmermann was also extremely knowledgeable in other fields, above all in philosophy and literature. The composer had devoted himself intensely to the concept of time within the area of philosophy: he became famous for his concept of the “sphericality of time”. In his work Présence, apparently disparate elements are pulled together in an all-embracing simultaneity. The three instrumentalists are assigned literary figures who can all be considered as constants in Zimmermann’s œuvre: Ubu Roi (piano), a voracious grotesquely caricatured tyrant from Alfred Jarry’s absurd play, Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quijote (violin) and Molly Bloom (cello) from James Joyce’s ground-breaking novel Ulysses. The instrumentalists are accompanied by a silent (!) “speaker” who hisses so-called “word emblems” from Paul Poertner’s volume of poems Wurzelwerk between the movements. The word emblem for Scene 3 incorporating musical quotations from Prokofiev’s Piano Sonata Op. 83 and Stockhausen’s Zeitmaße is: “Alle Wahrvögel nisten in einem einzigen Baum” [All true birds nest in a single tree].
页数: 48
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790001071482