
Prelude in C sharp minor op. 3/2 Edited from the sources by Nils Franke and Jochen Reutter. Fingerings and Notes on Interpretation by Nils Franke 拉赫玛尼诺夫 前奏曲升小调 音符诠释 钢琴独奏 维也纳原典版

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拉赫玛尼诺夫的《升 C 小调前奏曲》是最受听众欢迎、也是最令作曲家魂牵梦萦的作品。作曲家曾抱怨'人们总是想演奏这首曲子'。这首钢琴曲目中的'亮点'的新版本非常仔细地考虑了亲笔签名本与初版本之间的差异,并与作曲家的录音进行了比较"

作曲家: Rachmaninoff, Sergei Wassiljewitsch
编者: Franke, Nils / Reutter, Jochen
校订者: Franke, Nils
乐器: piano
出版社: Wiener Urtext Edition
Only few pieces have ever won over the audience and haunted their composer as much as Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C-sharp minor. The composer virtually complained that 'people want to have it played all the time'. The present new edition of this 'highlight' of the piano music repertoire considers the differences between autograph and first edition very carefully, comparing them with the composer's recordings.

语言: German - English - French
页数: 0
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790500573951
ISBN: 9783850557740
UPC: 800522003325
