
Piano Variations Piano Solo Study Score 莫扎特 变奏曲 总谱 亨乐版

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虽然 18 首钢琴奏鸣曲对任何作曲家来说都是一个可观的数字,但莫扎特也留下了几乎同样多的变奏曲,即 15 首。根据流行主题和原创曲调创作变奏曲在当时是一种时尚,莫扎特在这一领域也做出了自己的贡献。当然,经济上的考虑也在其中起了作用;毕竟,时髦的东西卖得好。因此,与钢琴奏鸣曲不同,莫扎特的变奏曲都是在他有生之年出版的。虽然这些作品都是品味之作,但这并不意味着它们的质量不高,尤其是莫扎特的作品。在这些变奏曲中,丰富的想象力和优雅的格调融为一体,带来了愉悦的音乐享受。我们不应低估它们,而应享受这些美妙作品带来的乐趣。本学习版再现了 HN 116 蓝色 Henle Urtext 演奏版的完整文本,未作任何改动"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校订者: Ewald Zimmermann
乐器: Piano
出版社: G. Henle Verlag

Mozart: 7 Variations on 'Willem van Nassau' D major KV 25
Mozart: 9 Variations on the Ariette 'Lison dormait' KV 264 (315d)
Mozart: 12 Variations on an Allegretto KV 500
Mozart: 8 Variations on a Dutch Song KV Anh. 206 (24)
Mozart: 12 Variations on 'La belle Fran×oise' KV 353 (300f)
Mozart: 10 Variations on 'Unser dummer P÷bel meint' KV 455
Mozart: 6 Variations on an Allegretto KV 54 (547b)
Mozart: 6 Variations on 'Salve, tu Domine' KV 398 (416e)
Mozart: 12 Variations on a Minuet KV 179 (189a)
Mozart: 8 Variations on 'Come un'agnello' KV 460 (454a)
Mozart: 8 Variations on a March from 'Les Mariages Samnites' KV 352 (374c)
Mozart: 12 Variations on the Romance 'Je suis Lindor' KV 354 (299a)
Mozart: 8 Variations on 'Ein Weib ist das herrlichste Ding' KV 613
Mozart: 12 Variations on 'Ah, vous dirai-je Maman' KV 265 (300e)
Mozart: Theme and two Variations KV 460
Mozart: 6 Variations on the Final Theme of the Clarinet Quintet K. 581 KV Anh. 137
Mozart: 9 Variations on a Minuet by Duport KV 573
Mozart: 6 Variations on 'Mio caro Adone' KV 180 (173c)

Though 18 piano sonatas is a respectable amount for any composer, Mozart also left almost as many – namely 15 – variation cycles. Variations on popular themes, but also on original tunes, were a kind of fashion craze back then, and Mozart made his contribution in this field as well. Certainly, financial considerations played a role here; after all, fashionable items sell well. Thus Mozart's variations, in contrast to his piano sonatas, were all published during his lifetime. The fact that these were articles of taste did not mean that they were not of the finest quality, especially with Mozart. In these variations, a wealth of imagination and stylish elegance come together for joyful music-making. One should not underestimate them, but simply take pleasure in these wonderful works. This study edition reproduces the complete and unaltered text of blue Henle Urtext performance edition HN 116.
页数: 162
重量(g): 314.685
UPC: 884088183448