
Piano Sonata, Op. 1 贝尔格‧阿班 奏鸣曲 钢琴 亨乐版

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伯格的学生阿多诺曾经说过:"任何认真试图理解伯格音乐的人,都应该仔细研读这首十一页的钢琴奏鸣曲。"这句话很容易被放大: 无论谁想了解新音乐,都无法回避伯格的作品 1。它是第二维也纳学派钢琴作品中最常演奏的奏鸣曲之一。Henle 的这一出版物为古典现代主义引入了 Urtext 版本。钢琴家们将再次看到完美无瑕的雕刻、绝对可靠的音乐文本以及基于数据的评论。此版本全球发行"

作曲家: Alban Berg
校订者: Ullrich Scheideler
乐器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Berg: Piano Sonata op. 1

Berg's pupil Adorno once said, “Whoever is seriously trying to comprehend Berg's music should closely apply themselves to the eleven-page piano sonata.” It is tempting to enlarge upon this statement: Whoever is trying to get to grips with New Music will not be able to avoid Berg's opus 1. It is one of the most frequently played sonatas amongst the Second Viennese School piano compositions. With this publication Henle is introducing Urtext editions to classical modernism. Once again, pianists will find flawless engraving, an absolutely reliable musical text and a commentary based on the sources. This edition is worldwide available.
页数: 24
重量(g): 110.565
UPC: 884088179168