
Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor, Op. 36 1913 & 1931 Versions 拉赫玛尼诺夫 奏鸣曲 钢琴 亨乐版

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终于,我们能够提供拉赫玛尼诺夫最重要、最有分量的钢琴作品之一的Urtext版本,该版本一丝不苟,对得起这部作品,也对得起它所带来的编辑上的困难。拉赫玛尼诺夫对《降 B 小调钢琴奏鸣曲》稠密的织体和冗长的篇幅感到不满,因此在该作品创作出版近 20 年后,他对其进行了大量删减和精简,尽管这一直受到钢琴家们的批评。因此,今天演奏的大多是第一个版本,甚至是两个版本的混合,如弗拉基米尔-霍洛维茨(Vladimir Horowitz)曾经演奏的版本(尽管得到了作曲家的许可)。Henle Urtext 版本还考虑了莫斯科格林卡博物馆收藏的亲笔签名。与 G. Henle 出版社目录中的所有拉赫玛尼诺夫版本一样,这里的指法也是由当代杰出钢琴家之一马克-安德烈-哈默林(Marc-André Hamelin)设计的"

作曲家: Sergei Rachmaninoff
校订者: Dominik Rahmer
乐器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Finally, we are able to offer one of Rachmaninov's most important, most substantial piano works in a meticulous Urtext edition that does justice to the work and to the editorial difficulties it raises. Rachmaninov was unhappy with the dense textures and the lengthof his Piano Sonata in B-flat minor, so almost 20 years after its composition and publication he made numerous cuts and streamlined it though this has been criticised by pianists down to the present day. For this reason, it is mostly the first version that is played today or even a mixture of the two versions such as Vladimir Horowitz used to perform (albeit with the permission of the composer). This Henle Urtext edition also takes into account the autograph in the Moscow Glinka Museum. As in all the Rachmaninov editions in the catalogue of G. Henle Publishers, the fingerings here are by Marc-André Hamelin, one of the outstanding pianists of our time.
难易度: Advanced

页数: 80
重量(g): 348.705
UPC: 888680908225
