
Overture No. 3 for the Opera Leonore (1806) Study Score 贝多芬 序曲 歌剧 蕾欧诺拉 总谱 亨乐版

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贝多芬为他唯一的歌剧《莱昂诺尔/费德里奥》一共创作了四首序曲。按照时间顺序,所谓的莱昂诺尔序曲 No. 按照时间顺序,所谓的《莱昂诺尔序曲》第三号是系列序曲中的第二首,也可能是贝多芬所有序曲中演奏次数最多的一首。在他有生之年,这首序曲不仅在剧院上演,还在音乐会上演出,从而与《科里奥兰序曲》和《埃格蒙特序曲》一起开创了音乐会序曲这一新体裁。该序曲在十九世纪中叶被公认为杰作,后来成为 "所有管弦乐队的公开最爱",贝多芬传记作者安东-辛德勒(Anton Schindler)证实了这一点。现在,它以研究乐谱的形式出现,以《贝多芬全集》的音乐文本为基础,并附有自己专门编写的前言"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校订者: Helga Lühning
乐器: Choral; Orchestra; Vocal; Score
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
For his only opera Leonore/Fidelio, Beethoven wrote four overtures in total. Chronologically, the so-called Leonore Overture no. 3 is the second of the series and perhaps the most performed of all Beethoven's overtures. During his own lifetime, it was heard not only in the theatre, but also in concert, thereby establishing with the Coriolan and Egmont overtures the new genre of the concert overture. Recognized around the middle of the nineteenth century as a masterpiece, it went on to become the “declared favorite of all orchestras,” as Beethoven biographer Anton Schindler testifies. It now appears as a study score based on the musical text of the Beethoven Complete Edition, with its own specially prepared foreword.

页数: 58
重量(g): 158.76
UPC: 888680991357
