
Oeuvres Completes Pour Clavier Volume 10 Sonates K458 A K506 (lp40) 斯卡拉第多梅尼科

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意大利作曲家多梅尼科-斯卡拉蒂(Domenico Scarlatti,1685-1757 年)以其键盘乐作品闻名于世。他的 555 首键盘奏鸣曲至今仍广为流传,正因如此,这第十卷对于演奏者来说是不可或缺的。 这些奏鸣曲最初是为大键琴、管风琴或早期的钢琴而创作的,展现了对不协和音和非常规远调式的运用,令人目不暇接。人们还认为,斯卡拉蒂的大部分键盘音乐都受到了伊比利亚音乐的影响,因为他一生中大部分时间都在为西班牙和葡萄牙皇室服务。第十卷包括第 458-506 首奏鸣曲,其中有一首广受欢迎且极具辨识度的 F 小调奏鸣曲(K. 466)。鉴于多梅尼科-斯卡拉蒂在他的时代是一位能力出众、广受欢迎的键盘乐器演奏家,以至于他曾受雇于两个皇室家族,他的奏鸣曲是凭借丰富的经验、理解力和专业知识创作而成的,是所有巴洛克流派键盘乐器演奏家曲目中的必备曲目。"

作曲家: Domenico Scarlatti
乐器: Harpsichord
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
“Italian composer, Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757) is well-known for his Keyboard compositions. His 555 Keyboard Sonatas remain ever popular to this day, and it is for this reason that this tenth volume is indispensable to performers of the genre. Originally composed for the Harpsichord, Organ or early Pianoforte, the Sonatas display the riveting use of discords and unconventional modulations to remote keys. It is also thought that much of Scarlatti's Keyboard music contains influences of Iberian music, considering that he spent much of his working life in the service of the Spanish and Portuguese royal families. The tenth volume, comprising Sonatas 458-506, includes the popular and recognisable Sonata in F minor (K. 466). Bearing in mind that Domenico Scarlatti was a highly competent and popular Keyboard player in his day, so much so that he was employed in the service of two royal families, his Sonatas are composed with much experience, understanding and expertise, creating an essential addition to the repertoire of all Keyboard players of the Baroque genre. ”

页数: 210
重量(g): 796.635
UPC: 888680848293
