
Mysterious Barcodes For Flute and Guitar 混和二重奏 长笛吉他

来自 Schott Music
原价 $1,200TWD - 原价 $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
现价 $1,200TWD

曲家介绍说:"开头的乐章是开放式弦乐,有点忧郁,感觉是即兴演奏,因此取名为《蚕》。中间有一段时间是锄头舞曲,当开头回来时,下面的节奏又变得欢快了一些。顾名思义,Pensieroso 是一个深思熟虑的乐章。它有一种巴洛克的感觉,一种现代的萨拉班德舞曲。友善的幽灵》主要是一首有趣、幽默的乐曲。乐曲中出现了各种争论,但大部分乐器都相处融洽。这首曲子有一种令人毛骨悚然的底色,这也是我产生 "鬼 "这个想法的原因,但大多数时候,它的能量都是向上和向外的。吉他手 Jason Vieaux 在吉他部分提供了说明,就像他在 Schocker 之前的长笛吉他二重奏《Once Upon a》中所做的那样。(托斯卡纳 494-02701,20.00 美元),并于 2014 年 8 月在佛罗里达州圣彼得堡市美术博物馆的马里音乐室内乐系列中与作曲家进行了世界首演。适合高级演奏者"

作曲家: Schocker Gary
乐器: flute and guitar
出版社: Tuscany Publications

Improvised - Pensieroso - Friendly Ghost, Mostly

The composer describes the work, "The opening movement has open strings, kind of melancholy piece which feels improvised, hence title. The middle goes hoedown for awhile, and when the opening returns the rhythm underneath is a little more upbeat. Pensieroso is a thoughtful movement, as the name implies. It has a baroque feel, a modern sarabande. Friendly Ghost, mostly is a fun, more humorous piece. There are various arguments but mostly the instruments get along. There is a creepy underside, which is where I got the ghost idea from, but mostly the energy is up and out." Guitarist Jason Vieaux helped with the guitar part, as he had done with Schocker's previous flute and guitar duo, Once Upon a... (Tuscany 494-02701, $20.00), and performed the world premiere with the composer in August, 2014, as part of the Marly Music Chamber Series at the Museum of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, FL. For advanced performers.
重量(g): 110
UPC: 680160617692