
Märchenbilder (Pictures of Fairy Tales) op. 113 4 pieces 舒曼.罗伯特 童话故事 童话故事 小品 竖笛 1把以上加钢琴 齐默尔曼版

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$850TWD - $850TWD
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曼的 "Märchenbilder 作品 113 "属于他的晚期作品。113 属于他的晚期作品,创作于 1851 年。这些作品最初是为中提琴或小提琴与钢琴编配的。虽然从标题上看,这是一个以文字为主的曲目,一个音乐版的童话故事,但事实并非如此。舒曼的本意只是想表达对诗歌和文学的联想。单簧管版本保留了原始调性,但考虑到其更宽广的音域,特别是转调到高八度。对于特定的弦乐段落,如双停板,也找到了具体的解决方案"

作曲家: Schumann, Robert
校订者: Korody-Kreutzer, Stephan
乐器: clarinet in Bb and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Schumann's Märchenbilder op. 113 belong to his later works and were composed in 1851. Originally they were arranged for viola or violin and piano. Although the title suggests a text-oriented programme, a musical version of a fairy tale, this is not the case. Schumann's intention was merely to convey associations of poetry and literature. This clarinet version maintains the original key but its broader compass, in particular by transpositions to the upper octave, was taken into account. Specific solutions have been found for string-specific passages such as e.g. double stops.

语言: German - English - French
页数: 44
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790010308708
