
Méthode Complete de Flute [Complete Flute Method] 长笛

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被誉为长笛实用指南的《长笛演奏法大全》由保罗-塔法内尔(Paul Taffanel,1844-1908 年)和菲利普-高贝尔(Philippe Gaubert,1879-1941 年)合着。该书出版于 1923 年,具有很强的渐进性:从一开始就帮助初学者掌握必要的理论、技巧和音色。全书共 227 页,包含法文、英文、德文和西班牙文的说明和评论,精确细致,引人注目。由于马塞尔-莫伊塞(Marcel Moyse)、埃马纽埃尔-帕胡(Emmanuel Pahud)和皮埃尔-伊夫-阿尔托(Pierre-Yves Arthaud)等人的努力,《长笛演奏法大全》(Complete Flute Method)得到了全世界的认可,它展示并证实了这些法国长笛演奏家及其演奏方法的质量和专业性。保罗-塔法内尔(Paul Taffanel,1844-1908 年)和菲利普-高贝(Philippe Gaubert,1879-1941 年)都是专业长笛演奏家,他们曾合作完成过不同的项目,其中包括本演奏法和《17 大练习曲札记》"

作曲家: Paul Taffanel
乐器: Flute
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Considered as the practical guide for flute, Complete Flute Method was co-written by Paul Taffanel (1844-1908) and Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941). Published in 1923, this method is strongly progressive: helping the beginner from the very start, it should develop and help them to master the necessary theory, technique and tone of this instrument. The 227 pages all contain descriptions and comments written in French, English, German and Spanish, which stand out by their precision and detail. Recognised worldwide thanks to Marcel Moyse, Emmanuel Pahud and Pierre-Yves Arthaud among others, Complete Flute Method demonstrates and confirms the quality and professionalism of these French flautists and their methods. Paul Taffanel (1844-1908) and Philippe Gaubert (1879-1941) are both professional flautists who collaborated on different projects together, including this method and the 17 Grands Exercices Journaliers de Mécanisme.

页数: 242
重量(g): 799.47
UPC: 888680906016
