
Lyrische S

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亚历山大-泽姆林斯基于 1922/23 年创作了《抒情交响曲》,目的是在抒情与交响之间架起一座桥梁,与古斯塔夫-马勒的《大地之歌》有异曲同工之妙。与马勒的作品相比,泽姆林斯基的作品显然更倾向于交响乐。1924 年,罗多夫-圣-霍夫曼(Rodulf St. Hoffmann)在《安布鲁赫音乐》(Musikblätter des Anbruch)杂志上这样评价这部作品: "有许多大地之歌。这是另一首。它与马勒在精神上的联系是明确无误的--正如泽姆林斯基自己的个性一样,它赋予了乐曲独特的形式和意义"

作曲家: Diverse / Zemlinsky, Alexander
乐器: for soprano, baritone and orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition
Alexander Zemlinsky wrote the Lyrische Symphonie in 1922/23 with the aim of bridging the gap between the lyrical and the symphonic, in a similar way to Gustav Mahler’s Lied von der Erde. Zemlinsky’s work is clearly more inclined towards the symphonic than the Mahler work which inspired it. Rodulf St. Hoffmann wrote of the piece in 1924 in the journal Musikblätter des Anbruch: “there are many songs of the earth. This is another. Its spiritual affiliation with Mahler is unmistakable – as is Zemlinsky’s own personality, which gives the piece its unique shape and meaning.”

页数: 0
重量(g): 390
ISMN: 9790008080173
ISBN: 9783702466602
