Irish Fiddle Solos 64 Pieces for Violin 提琴 小品小提琴 小提琴独奏 朔特版
来自 Schott Music
爱尔兰小提琴独奏曲》收录了六十四首爱尔兰传统小提琴曲,包括吉格舞曲、瑞尔舞曲、波尔卡舞曲、圆舞曲和慢板舞曲,编排成套,适合音乐会演奏或非正式演奏。皮特-库珀(Pete Cooper)在出色的介绍中解释了传统的弓法技巧、风格和装饰音。所有曲调均以 MP3 格式提供,按音符顺序排列
编者: Cooper, Pete
乐器: violin
出版社: Schott Music
Introduction - The Fiddle in Ireland - Airs - Dance Tune Structure - Dance Tune Types - Bowing - Ornamentation - Modes and Key Signature - Chords - Further Listening - Index of Pieces by Dance Type - The Pieces
Irish Fiddle Solos presents sixty-four superb Irish traditional fiddle tunes, including jigs, reels, polkas, hornpipes and slow airs, arranged in sets for concert performance or for informal sessions. Pete Cooper's excellent introduction explains traditional bowing techniques, style and ornamentation. All the tunes are available, note-for-note as written, as MP3s.