
Invisible Lilacs 皮克 小提琴加钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
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1991 年,我为 Young Uck Kim(他委托我创作)和 Emanuel Ax 创作了《看不见的丁香》。几年后,他们在大都会艺术博物馆首演了这首曲子。从那时起,鲍比-麦克杜菲开始演奏这首曲子。他的演奏令人目眩神迷。就在我开始创作《隐形的丁香花》之前,我读了马塞尔-普鲁斯特的《追忆往事》。其中的一句话深深吸引了我,我想在这首曲子中对它做出回应: 当夏日的傍晚,悠扬的天空像一只黄褐色的狮子在咆哮,每个人都在抱怨暴风雨来临的时候,正是对梅斯克利夫之路的回忆让我陶醉地独自伫立,透过淅淅沥沥的雨声,吸入那挥之不去的隐形丁香花的芬芳。 托比亚斯-皮克"

作曲家: Picker, Tobias
乐器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
I wrote Invisible Lilacs in 1991 for Young Uck Kim (who commissioned it) and Emanuel Ax. They premièred it at the Metropolitan Museum of Art a few years later. Since that time, Bobby MacDuffie has taken up the piece. He plays it dazzlyingly. Just before I began composing Invisible Lilacs, I had read Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. A sentence from it captured my imagination and I wanted to respond to it in this piece: ’When, on a summer evening, the melodious sky growls like a tawny lion, and everyone is complaining of the storm, it is the memory of the Méséglise way that makes me stand alone in ecstasy, inhaling, through the noise of the falling rain, the lingering scent of invisible lilacs.’ Tobias Picker

页数: 49
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790600023011
