
Intermezzo from Fennimore & Gerda 戴里厄斯 钢琴三重奏 间奏曲

来自 Schott Music
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弗雷德里克-德柳斯(Frederick Delius,1862-1934 年)是英国作曲家。他在德国学习音乐,其音乐在德国首次获得广泛认可,之后他在法国开始了全职作曲家生涯。托马斯-比彻姆(Thomas Beecham)是最早将他的音乐带给英国听众的人之一。1918 年后,德利厄斯开始失明,但在助手埃里克-芬比的帮助下,他于 1928 年至 1932 年间完成了一些晚期作品。1935年,我将德利乌斯的斯堪的纳维亚歌剧《芬尼摩尔与葛妲》中的两段间奏调整后编配成管弦乐,从而使这首曲子广为人知。次年,托马斯-比彻姆爵士录制了这首曲子。长笛演奏家贝蒂-米尔斯(Betty Mills)建议将其改编为长笛、双簧管和钢琴曲,她的奥瑞尔三重奏于 1987 年 1 月 23 日在布拉德福德大学进行了首演,并收到了该曲的献礼。第一段间奏反映了故事中人类的浪漫情怀。相比之下,第二段则营造出田园牧歌的氛围。

作曲家: Delius Frederick
校订者: Fenby, Eric
乐器: flute, oboe and piano
出版社: Emerson Edition
Frederick Delius (1862 ' 1934) was an English composer. After studying music in Germany, where his music had its first significant acceptance, he embarked on a full-time career as a composer in France. Thomas Beecham was one of the first to bring his music to English audiences. After 1918 Delius began to lose his sight, but completed some late compositions between 1928 and 1932 with the aid of his amanuensis, Eric Fenby. 'This piece is well known through the orchestral arrangement I made in 1935 by linking two interludes with adjustments from Delius's Scandinavian opera, Fennimore and Gerda. The following year it was recorded by Sir Thomas Beecham. It was the flautist Betty Mills who suggested its transcription for flute, oboe and piano, and whose Oriel Trio gave the first performance at Bradford University on 23rd January 1987, and received its dedication. The first interlude reflects the human romantic feeling in the story. The second, by contrast, conjures up a mood of pastoral.

重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790570401567
