
Instant Guide to Drum Grooves The Essential Reference for the Working Drummer 鼓

来自 小雅音樂
原价 $580TWD - 原价 $580TWD
$580TWD - $580TWD
现价 $580TWD

成为一名多才多艺的鼓手!从传统的迪克西兰(Dixieland)到前沿的嘻哈音乐,Instant Guide to Drum Grooves是一本方便的数据,收录了 100 种模式,可说明工作鼓手为现代演出的各种风格做好准备。对于准备参加大学音乐课程或专业乐队的鼓手来说,本书也非常有价值。书中包括爵士、沙狐、乡村、摇滚、放克、新奥尔良、雷鬼、卡利普索、巴西和拉丁等风格的基本节拍和节奏。每种模式都在随书附带的 CD 上进行了演示,使人们能够吸收正确的感觉和细微差别,从而使这些节奏生动活泼。书中还推荐了与示例相匹配的流行录音

作曲家: Maria Martinez
乐器: Drums
Become a more versatile drumset player! From traditional Dixieland to cutting-edge hip-hop, Instant Guide to Drum Grooves is a handy source featuring 100 patterns that will prepare working drummers for the stylistic variety of modern gigs. This book is also valuable for anyone preparing a drumset audition for a college music program or professional band. The book includes essential beats and grooves in such styles as: jazz, shuffle, country, rock, funk, New Orleans, reggae, calypso, Brazilian and Latin. Every pattern is demonstrated on the accompanying CD so that one can absorb the proper feel and nuances that make these grooves come alive. Recommendations of popular recordings that tie in with the examples can be found throughout the book.

页数: 32
重量(g): 184.275
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9780634035616
UPC: 073999858808
