
Games X Diary Entries, Personal Messages for Piano Solo 库塔格 钢琴

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为 "游戏 "的钢琴系列从 1973 年开始创作,最初的构想是作为一种钢琴教学法。随着时间的推移,这一系列作品逐渐失去了说教的性质,而被视为库尔塔格工作室的文献,为他更宏大的交响乐、室内乐和声乐作品提供了一把钥匙"

作曲家: Gyorgy Kurtag
乐器: Piano
出版社: Editio Musica Budapest
The piano series entitled Games, written from 1973 onwards, was conceived as a piano method. As the years went by, the series lost its didactic character, and it came to be seen as a document from Kurtág's workshop, offering a key to his grander symphonic, chamber and vocal works as well.

Tenth volume is divided into two parts: In the first half, earlier, hitherto unpublished pieces line up from Suite, written in 1943,to the 1980s, providing insight into the development of Kurtág's musical language. The second half includes pieces composed between 2002 and 2011. The movements, often aphorismic in their briefness, hide associations with various aspects of European music history.Many of them are hommage or in memoriam pieces, or subjective personal messages to friends, colleagues, and beloved family members - and thereby to all music-loving people.This publication is printed on high quality, durable paper made from renewable raw materials in an environmentally friendly way.

尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
页数: 72
重量(g): 280.665
EAN: 9781705148723
UPC: 196288023814
