
Forgotten Melodies op. 39 Lyrical Melodies 梅特纳 抒情的 钢琴独奏 齐默尔曼版

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继《六首童话》作品 51 之后,这是梅特纳修订再版的第二部作品。被遗忘的旋律》作品 39 是梅特纳的代表作之一。是梅特纳最重要的作品之一。这是他在 1921 年离开祖国俄罗斯之前创作的,代表了他在传记和作曲上的一个转折。无论梅特纳的审美观如何沿袭 19 世纪的风格,他都努力将人物小品与奏鸣曲的形式相结合,从而创造出一种新的结构。 因此,尽管梅特纳本人只演奏过一次全曲(1921 年在莫斯科音乐学院首演时),但作品 39 仍应被视为一个循环体。克里斯托夫-弗拉姆(Christoph Flamm)根据朱利叶斯-海因里希-齐默尔曼(Julius Heinrich Zimmermann)出版的第一版精心编辑了这一新版。一篇内容丰富的序言提供了有关这部作品和修订部分的信息"

作曲家: Medtner, Nikolai
乐器: piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann

Meditazione - Romanze - Primavera - Canzona matinata - Sonata tragica

After the Six Fairy Tales, op. 51, this is the second Medtner edition which was revised and reprinted. The cycle Forgotten Melodies op. 39 is one of Medtner's most important works. He wrote it just before he left his native contry Russia in 1921, and it represents a turn both biographically and compositional. However much Medtner's aesthetics were those of the 19th century, he nevertheless created a new structure by his efforts to combine the character piece with the form of a sonata. Therefore, op. 39 should be regarded as a cyclic entity even though Medtner himself performed the whole sequence only once (on the occasion of its premiere at the Moscow conservatory in 1921). Christoph Flamm carefully edited this new issue based on the first edition published by Julius Heinrich Zimmermann. An extensive preface offers information about the work and the revised parts.
语言: German - French - English - Russian
页数: 88
重量(g): 340
ISMN: 9790010347806
UPC: 842819101567