
Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux I Rough Breathing/Smooth Breathing 卡特 木管二重奏 博浩版

原价 $1,030TWD - 原价 $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
现价 $1,030TWD

长笛和单簧管创作的 "Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux "是为 1985 年 3 月 31 日在巴登巴登庆祝皮埃尔-布列兹 60 岁生日而作。标题译为 "粗糙的呼吸/顺畅的呼吸",指的是以元音或 "R "开头的希腊古典词的发音。在 "Esprit Rude"(粗鲁的呼吸)中,元音(或 R)前要有一个 H 音,并在字母上方用一个相反的逗号表示。在 "Esprit Doux"(顺畅呼吸)中,首元音前不使用 H,并在元音上方用逗号表示。在希腊文中的 sixtieth year(音译为 hexèkoston etos)中,第一个单词的首字母 epsilon 是粗略的呼吸符号,而第二个单词的首字母 epsilon 则是平滑的呼吸符号"

作曲家: Carter Elliott
乐器: flute and clarinet
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes, New York
"Esprit Rude/Esprit Doux" for flute and clarinet was composed for the celebration of Pierre Boulez's 60th birthday on March 31, 1985 in Baden-Baden. The title, translated as "rough breathing/smooth breathing", refers to the pronunciation of classical Greek words beginning with a vowel or an “R”. With “Esprit Rude” (rough breathing) the initial vowel (or "R") is to be preceded by a sounded "H", and is indicated by a reversed comma above the letter. With "Esprit Doux" (smooth breathing) the initial vowel is not to be preceded by "H" and is indicated by a comma above the vowel. In the Greek for "sixtieth year" (transliterated as "hexèkoston etos") the initial epsilon of the first word has a rough breathing sign while the epsilon of the second has a smooth one.

页数: 12
重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790051102518
UPC: 73999937251
