
Episode 克赖斯勒 颂歌 小提琴加钢琴 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $530TWD - 原价 $530TWD
$530TWD - $530TWD
现价 $530TWD

出生于维也纳的弗里茨-克赖斯勒(1875-1962 年)在家乡的咖啡馆里有宾至如归的感觉,在那里他不仅结识了当时的文化精英,还吸收了当时的娱乐和民间音乐。难怪他熟悉维也纳的音乐风格,这一点在他的 Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen 中就有所体现。然而,鲜为人知的是,这位小提琴家兼作曲家也能创作严肃的音乐:如弦乐四重奏、歌曲、小提琴协奏曲、古典独奏协奏曲的快板。在他的严肃作品中,甚至还能找到一些性格鲜明的作品,例如他的《插曲》,这是一部令人回味的微型作品,其中缓慢的狂想曲部分与急促前行的动画部分交替出现。这部作品展现了弗里茨-克赖斯勒不为人知的一面,但在音乐上却非常迷人!

作曲家: Kreisler, Fritz
编者: Birtel, Wolfgang
乐器: violin and piano
出版社: Schott Music
The Vienna-born Fritz Kreisler (1875-1962) felt at home in the coffee houses of his home town where he not only met the cultural elite of his time but also absorbed the entertainment and folk music of that time. No wonder that he was familiar with the Viennese tone which is reflected in his Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen for example. Less known, however, is the fact that the violinist and composer could also write serious music: e.g. a string quartet, songs, violin concertos, cadenzas on classical solo concertos. Even some character pieces can be found among his serious compositions, such as his Episode, an evocative miniature in which a slow, rhapsodic section alternates with an animated section rushing forward. It is a work that shows a rather unknown, yet musically fascinating side of Fritz Kreisler!

页数: 12
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790001171656
UPC: 841886015074
