
Der Barbier von Sevilla Overture 序曲 竖笛3把以上

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慢板引子、以两个对比主题为特色的快板部分、调性变化、节奏再次加快,最终形成一个有效的结尾--这就是罗西尼歌剧序曲的创作模式。最著名的序曲之一可能就是《塞维利亚理发师》的序曲。下面就手头的编曲谈几点看法: 第一声部和第二声部在各自音区的编排方式应能让您轻松演奏。然而,第三声部的配乐难度较大。我认为最好用低音号或中音单簧管演奏这一声部,因为旋律优美的段落是用这两种乐器的音域来记谱的。如果您选择用降 B 调单簧管演奏这一声部,您将不得不演奏一些高八度的音符。而如果用低音单簧管(其音域仅到降E)来演奏第四声部,您也必须将一些音符调高一个八度。当然,这些事实并不会影响此编曲的可演奏性!请尽情排练和演奏这首绝对令人印象深刻的作品吧。(彼得-舒伯特)

作曲家: Rossini, Gioacchino Antonio
校订者: Schubert, Peter
乐器: 4 clarinets (2 clarinets in Bb, basset horn (or clarinet in Bb or alto-clarinet in Eb) and bass clarinet in Bb)
出版社: advance music GmbH
A slow introduction, a fast part featuring two contrasting themes, a key change, once again an increase in tempo leading up to an effective close - that’s the pattern the composition of many overtures to Rossini’s operas are based on. Probably one of the most well-known overtures is the one to The Barber of Seville. Here are some remarks on the arrangement on hand: The first and second voices are arranged – in their respective registers - in a way that should enable you to play them easily. The third voice, however, turned out to be more difficult to score. I think it would be best to play this voice on the basset horn or the alto clarinet since the melodious passages are notated in a register well-suited for these two instruments. In case you choose to perform this voice on the Bb clarinet, you will be forced to play some notes one octave higher. And if the bass clarinet – whose tone range just goes as far as notated Eb – takes the part of the fourth voice, you would also have to transpose some notes up an octave. These facts do certainly not detract from the performability of this arrangement! Enjoy rehearsing and performing this absolutely impressive piece. (Peter Schubert)

页数: 50
重量(g): 260
ISMN: 9790206301940
ISBN: 9783892217916
UPC: 805095084337
