
Daily Exercises 每日练习 竖笛教材 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $1,030TWD - 原价 $1,030TWD
$1,030TWD - $1,030TWD
现价 $1,030TWD

Rainer Wehle 编写的 "日常学习 "面向高级学生、音乐专业学生和专业单簧管演奏家。这些学习有助于完善指法技巧,保持较高的技术演奏水平。这些练习能在几天内达到放松和控制的效果,令人惊叹。这些练习可作为有效的日常练习计划,也可作为长时间不演奏后或音乐会前的热身练习。日常练习 "是对三卷本技术课程 "单簧管基础"(ED 9882、ED 9883 和 ED 9978)的补充

作曲家: Wehle, Reiner
乐器: clarinet
出版社: Schott Music

Exercises with seconds - Exercises with thirds - Scale passages - Three- note arpeggio figures - Four-note arpeggio figures

Daily Studies', compiled by Rainer Wehle, is aimed at advanced pupils, music students and professional clarinettists. The studies serve to perfect the fingering technique and maintain a high technical performance level. It is amazing how loosening up and control can be achieved by these exercises in a few days. They are suitable as an effective daily practising programme or as warm-up exercises after long breaks without playing or before concerts. 'Daily Studies' complements the three-volume technical course 'Clarinet Fundamentals' (ED 9882, ED 9883 and ED 9978).
页数: 82
重量(g): 320
ISMN: 9790001172578
UPC: 841886015388