Cours méthodique de duos pour deux violoncelles op. 49 Band 1 Methodical Course 欧芬巴赫 二重奏 古提琴 大提琴练习曲 柏特-柏克版
在 OEK 中,雅克-奥芬巴赫的双大提琴二重奏作品《渐进二重奏》六部曲版的前两卷现已出版。在 OEK 中,雅克-奥芬巴赫的双大提琴渐进二重奏作品 49-54 六部曲版的前两卷现已出版。奥芬巴赫本人也是一位大提琴演奏家,他创作的这些作品不仅适合作为大提琴技巧的练习方法,也适合在家中和演出中进行二重奏和愉悦的音乐创作
作曲家: Offenbach, Jacques
编者: Keck, Jean-Christophe / Tricoire, Cyrille
乐器: 2 cellos
出版社: Bote & Bock
Within the OEK, the first two volumes of the six-part edition of Jacques Offenbach's progressive duos for two cellos op. 49-54 are available now. The compositions created by Offenbach who was a virtuoso on the violoncello himself, are not only suitable as methods of violoncello technique but are also suited for duet playing and delightful music-making at home and at performances.Both parts are contained on the accompanying CD and can be listened to separately or together.