
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra F minor Op. 21, No. 2 2 Pianos, 4 Hands 肖邦 协奏曲 管弦乐团 双钢琴 亨乐版

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肖邦的钢琴协奏曲创作于 1829/30 年左右,这意味着在某种程度上它们是他在华沙学生时代的高潮和总结。这两部作品都是肖邦早期的代表作,肖邦曾凭借这些作品在他的首次海外巡回演出中大获全胜。F小调协奏曲是肖邦创作的第一部作品,直到1836年才出版,当时肖邦已在巴黎站稳脚跟。与 E 小调协奏曲相比,这首钢琴协奏曲的素材更为丰富:除了最初的版本和学生复制品外,该版本还使用了可称为 "半亲笔签名 "的素材,其中管弦乐部分出自一位不知名的抄写员之手,而钢琴独奏部分则是作曲家本人所写。钢琴缩写部分也采用了当代数据:这是一个提供最高级别乌尔文质量的版本"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校订者: Ewald Zimmermann
乐器: Piano; 2 Pianos, 4 Hands
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Chopin: Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2 f minor op. 21

Chopin composed his piano concertos around 1829/30, which means that to a certain extent they are the climax and conclusion of his student years in Warsaw. Both works are early masterpieces with which Chopin celebrated great triumphs on his first concert tours abroad, and to this day the popularity of these piano concertos has remained unbroken. The Concerto in F minor – the first to be written – was not published until 1836, when Chopin was already firmly established in Paris. Compared with the E minor concerto, the source material is profuse: along with frist editions and student copies, th edition has also made use of what might be called a “half autograph,” in which the orchestral parts stem from an unknown scribal hand, while the piano solo part is written by the composer himself. The piano reduction also makes use of contemporary sources: this is an edition that offers Urtext quality at the highest level.
页数: 116
重量(g): 450.765
UPC: 884088176136