
Colonial Song version for two voices and piano or piano alone 葛林杰 歌 人声钢琴钢琴 钢琴独奏 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $650TWD - 原价 $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD
现价 $650TWD

在这首曲子中,我没有使用任何传统曲调,我希望通过这首曲子表达我对自己国家(澳大利亚)和人民的个人情感,同时也表达我对土生土长的殖民地人民的某种情感。 生活在广袤的处女地上,或多或少有些孤独,与自然和气候的艰难困苦作斗争(而不是像在人口较稠密的地方那样,与更积极、更戏剧性地激动人心的同胞的反意志作斗争)的人,在很大程度上会产生一种耐心向往、积极感伤的怀旧情绪,这也许并非不自然,我们在许多美国艺术作品中都能看到这种感人至深的表达;例如,在马克-吐温的《哈克贝利-费恩》和斯蒂芬-C. 福斯特的可爱歌曲《我的肯塔基老家》、《老乡在家》等。我还注意到,在澳大利亚的铜管乐队表演和演唱方式中,有一种奇特的、几乎类似意大利的音乐倾向(如偏爱丰富、强烈的音色和深情而宽广的乐句,而不是更微妙、更敏感的各种细腻表达),这在这里也有所体现

作曲家: Grainger, George Percy Aldridge
乐器: soprano, tenor and piano or piano alone
出版社: Schott Music

Vocal instructions for Soprano and Tenor: Breathe when you like, and sing on any combinations of any vowels and consonants (such as (Italian vowels) la, ra, ta, ta-da, pa-da-ba, tr-ri-di, etc.) that you find comfortable and effective.

No traditional tunes of any kind are made use of in this piece, in which I have wished to express my personal feelings about my own country (Australia) and people, and also to voice a certain kind of emotion that seems to me not untypical of native-born Colonials in general.Perhaps it is not unnatural that people living more or less lonelily in vast virgin countries and struggling against natural and climatic hardships (rather than against the more actively and dramaticly exciting counter wills of their fellow men, as in more thickly populated lands) should run largely to that patiently yearning, inactive sentimental wistfulness that we find so touchingly expressed in much American art; for instance in Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn, and Stephen C. Foster's adorable songs, My Old Kentucky Home, Old Folks at Home, etc. I have also noticed curious, almost Italian-like, musical tendencies in brass band performances and ways of singing in Australia (such as a preference for richness and intensity of tone and soulful breadth of phrasing over more subtly and sensitively varied delicacies of expression) which are also reflected here.Percy Aldridge Grainger
语言: vocalise
页数: 11
重量(g): 60
ISMN: 9790220122743