
Chant De Linos for Flute and Piano 若利维 里诺之歌 长笛(含钢琴伴奏)

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$1,500TWD - $1,500TWD
现价 $1,500TWD

安德烈-约里维特(André Jolivet,1905-1974 年)于 1944 年为巴黎音乐学院的独奏比赛创作了《利诺斯咏叹调》(Chant de Linos)。最初是为长笛、竖琴和弦乐三重奏而作,这一版本包含了长笛和钢琴的乐谱。这首曲子的演奏难度很大,但在比赛或独奏会上却能脱颖而出。这首乐曲的灵感来自希腊古代的 "利诺斯咏叹调"(Chant de Linos),也是一首关于阿波罗之子利诺斯的悼亡曲。利诺斯是一位优秀的音乐家,他曾教奥菲斯弹琴,后因批评奥菲斯太多而被赫拉克勒斯杀死。安德烈-约里维特是一位法国作曲家,他深受古代音乐的启发,对无调性有着浓厚的兴趣。他还创作了许多室内乐作品、11 首协奏曲、一些管弦乐和一些声乐作品"

作曲家: André Jolivet
乐器: Flute; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Alphonse Leduc

Chant De Linos

André Jolivet (1905-1974) composed Chant de Linos for the Solo de Concours at the Paris Conservatoire in 1944. Initially written for flute, harp and string trio, this version contains the scores for the flute and the piano. This piece is quite difficult to execute but will stand out in a competition or a recital. Inspired from what is called a “Chant de Linos,” a threnody (or lament to the dead) in the Greek antiquity, this piece is also about Linos, son of Apollo. A good music player, Linos taught Orpheus the lyre and was killed by Heracles for criticising him too much. André Jolivet is a French composer who was really inspired by the Antiquity and had a strong interest for atonality. He also wrote many chamber music pieces, eleven concertos, some orchestral and some vocal music.
页数: 32
重量(g): 153.09
UPC: 888680788049