
Canadian Brass - Inside Brass Strings, Wind and All That Brass · Master Class · Brass Spectacular 铜管乐器 弦乐器 弦乐 小号

原价 $810TWD - 原价 $810TWD
$810TWD - $810TWD
现价 $810TWD

音乐教育一直是加拿大铜管乐团的首要任务。该乐团以每年 200 场校内音乐会起家,乐团中的几位艺术家都来自音乐教师家庭,他们都是从公立学校音乐课程起步的。这张 DVD 将加拿大铜管乐团的三个教育节目合并在一起 - Strings, Winds and All That Brass(激励信息:"参与并不要放弃")、Master Class(提高演奏水平的实践指导)和Brass Spectacular(音乐大师的现场表演)

作曲家: The Canadian Brass
乐器: Brass; Trumpet
出版社: Canadian Brass
Music education has always been a Canadian Brass top priority. The group started by performing 200 in-school concerts yearly, several of the artists in the group come from families of music teachers, and all of them got their own starts in public school music programs. This DVD compiles three Canadian Brass educational programs in a single source – Strings, Winds and All That Brass (motivational message: “Participate and Don't Give Up”), Master Class (hands-on guidance to performance improvement), and Brass Spectacular (on-camera meeting of musical greatness).

页数: 0
重量(g): 79.38
EAN: 9780634067082
UPC: 73999853094

