
Ballet and its Music 芭蕾 钢琴 芭雷伴奏 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $900TWD - 原价 $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD
现价 $900TWD

芭蕾舞及其音乐》追溯了 17 世纪至今芭蕾舞界杰出人物的影响。从文艺复兴时期的宫廷舞和农民舞到当代作品,舞蹈技巧和芭蕾音乐的发展都在作者的笔下得到了体现。作者不仅详细介绍了过去和现在的伟大编舞家,还介绍了那些名字与芭蕾舞特别相关并对芭蕾舞音乐做出重大贡献的作曲家。她将历史叙事与对世界著名学校和舞团的敏锐观察相结合。芭蕾舞及其音乐》配有大量照片和雕刻插图。该书的一大特色是收集了许多著名芭蕾舞剧的音乐选段,并为钢琴独奏进行了编排,这对学生和业余音乐家尤其具有吸引力。虽然本书主要面向开始学习芭蕾舞的年轻人,但其中包含的丰富信息将使其成为各年龄段读者的一本令人振奋的宝贵指南

作曲家: Knight, Judyth
乐器: piano
出版社: Schott Music

Preface - An Italian Composer at the French Court - Lully: Minuet from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme - Two French Dancers - Handel: Sarabande and Gigue from Terpsichore - A French Choreographer - Mozart: Gavotte and Pantomime from Les Petits Riens - Ballet in Opera - Rossini: Ballet music from William Tell - The Romantic Ballet - Adam: Extract from Giselle - National Dance Appears in Ballet - Delibes: Czardas and Waltz from Coppélia - Classical Ballet in Russia - Tchaikovsky: Lilac Fairy Variation and Aurora Variation from The Sleeping Beauty - Russian Dancers Begin to Travel - Chopin: Waltz in C shapr minor and Mazurka in C major from Les Sylphides - A Russian Ballet - Stravinsky: Ronde des Princesses from The Firebird - A Russian Discovery - Scarlatti: Sonata in D from The Good-Humoured Ladies - British Ballet Takes Root - Gordon: The Sewing Dance from The Rake's Progress - Creative Talents Emerge in England - Lambert: Saraband for the Followers of Virgo from Horoscope - A New Personality Appears - Koechlin: Opening scene from Shadowplay - An Australian Discovery - Bliss: The Street from Miracle in the Gorbals - Return to Russia - Prokofiev: Gavotte from Cinderella - More Choreographic Talent - Verdi: Romantic Pas de Deux from The Lady and the Fool - ... and Still More - Seiber: Hen's Dance from The Invitation - Postscript

Ballet and its Music traces the influence of the outstanding personalities in the world of ballet from the seventeenth century to the present day. The development of dance-technique and ballet music is followed from the courtly and peasant dances of the High Renaissance through to contemporary productions. The author deals in detail not only with the great choreographers, past and present, but also with the composers whose names are especially linked with ballet and who have made a significant contribution to music for the dance. She combines a historical narrative with a perceptive treatment of world-famous Schools and Companies. Ballet and its Music is copiously illustrated with photographs and engravings. A special feature of the book is the collection of music extracts from many famous ballets, arranged for piano solo, which will make it particularly attractive to the student an amateur musician.Although primarily intended for young people embarking on a study of ballet, the wealth of information contained in this book will make it a stimulating and invaluable guide for readers of all ages.
语言: English
页数: 116
重量(g): 680
ISBN: 9780901938039