Alive - My Soundtrack 16 Beautiful Movie Songs and Melodies 歌 小提琴加钢琴 朔特版
享誉国际的小提琴家戴维-加勒特(David Garrett)将其精湛的演奏技艺与现代音乐完美结合,他的唱片在德国国内和国外的销量高达数百万张,是该领域最伟大的音乐家之一。在《Alive My Soundtrack》一书中,这位杰出的小提琴家总结了他的成功经验,带领我们回顾了他的音乐人生,以最美妙的方式融合了大量不同风格的音乐,同时不忘他的古典音乐根基。与之前的 "BEST OF VIOLIN "系列一样,随书附赠的乐谱版包含 16 首小提琴独奏曲目,并配有钢琴伴奏,这些曲目在音乐上极具启发性,在技术上要求也很高。戴维与弗兰克-范-德-海登(Franck van der Heijden)和约翰-海伍德(John Haywood)合作,成功地将古典、摇滚和流行音乐完美地融合在一起
作曲家: Garrett, David
校订者: van der Heijden, Franck
乐器: violin and piano accompaniment
出版社: Schott Music
The internationally acclaimed violinist David Garrett combines his virtuoso playing with modern sounds and with sales of his recordings in the millions at home in Germany and abroad, he is one of the greatest in his field. With Alive My Soundtrack this exceptional violinist draws on his successes and takes us along on a journey through his musical life, combining a wealth of different styles of music in the most wonderful way, without forgetting his classical roots. It is this very diverse approach that makes Alive My Soundtrack so personal and lively.As in the previous BEST OF VIOLIN collection, the accompanying sheet music edition contains 16 transcriptions for violin solo with piano accompaniment, which are musically inspiring and technically demanding. In collaboration with Franck van der Heijden and John Haywood, David has succeeded in creating a remarkably eclectic mixture of classical, rock and pop music.