
40 Melodious and Progressive Studies op. 31 Band 2 Nos. 23-40 李瑟.巴斯提安 旋律练习曲 大提琴练习曲 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $800TWD - 原价 $800TWD
$800TWD - $800TWD
现价 $800TWD

这本由演奏家塞巴斯蒂安-李创作的练习曲集早在 19 世纪就被巴黎音乐学院用作大提琴课程的标准作品。对于全面的技术培训和教育而言,这些练习曲至今仍具有现实意义。在新版的两卷本中,任何与原版不同的地方都标注得清清楚楚。此外,还增加了实用的练习技巧和建议

作曲家: Lee, Sebastian
编者: Best, Holger
乐器: cello
出版社: Schott Music

Preface - Cantabile - Double stops - Various Bowings - Arpeggios - Use of the Thumb - For a Broad Bowing Style - Appoggiatura and Turn - Changing Bowings - The Right Wrist - Characteristic Study - The Trill - Finger Dexterity Study - Relaxation Study - Double stops - Chroomatic Study - Octaves

This collection of etudes by the virtuoso Sebastian Lee was used as a standard work for cello lessons at the Paris Conservatoire back in the 19th century. For thorough technical training and education, the etudes remain just as relevant today. In this new edition, in two volumes, any departures from the original are clearly marked. In addition useful tips and suggestions for practising have been added.
页数: 56
重量(g): 230
ISMN: 9790001190916
UPC: 841886019522