
2 Easy Piano Sonatas: No. 19 in G Minor Op. 49, No. 1 and No. 20 in G Major Op. 49, No. 2 贝多芬 钢琴 亨乐版

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贝多芬《简易钢琴奏鸣曲》作品 49 的作品编号容易让人误解。49 的作品编号容易使人产生误解。这些曲子写于奏鸣曲作品 2 之后不久,而且很可能--至少有一部分--写于奏鸣曲作品 7 之前。在 "卡夫卡杂记 "素描本中可以找到草图,贝多芬在波恩使用了该素描本数年,随后在维也纳一直使用到 1790 年代末。第二首奏鸣曲似乎是两首奏鸣曲中较早的一首。作曲家还将第二乐章 "Tempo di Menuetto "的主题重新演绎为七重奏作品 20 中的 "Menuetto"。这是他最著名的钢琴曲之一,几乎所有新晋钢琴家在学习初期都会接触到这首曲子"

作曲家: Ludwig van Beethoven
校订者: Bertha Antonia Wallner
乐器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The opus number of Beethoven's Easy Piano Sonatas op. 49 is misleading. The pieces were written not long after the Sonatas op. 2, and most likely – in part, at least – before his Sonata op. 7. Sketches can be found in the “Kafka Miscellany” sketchbook, which Beethoven used for several years both in Bonn and subsequently in Vienna until the late 1790s. The second sonata seems to be the earlier of the two. The composer also reprised the theme of the second movement, Tempo di Menuetto, for the Menuet in the Septet op. 20. It is one of his best-known piano pieces, which just about every budding pianist encounters early in his lessons.

页数: 20
重量(g): 107.73
UPC: 884088172640
