10 old Dances op. 91 舞曲 双小提琴 朔特版
来自 Schott Music
来自奥本海姆的作曲家和小提琴家约翰娜-森弗特(Johanna Senfter)一生都在创作音乐会作品,如小提琴室内乐作品。作为深受雷格推崇的学生,她创作了 10 alte Tänze für 2 Violinen, 作品 91,这些作品沿袭了马克斯-雷格的风格,甚至与他一样偏爱'旧式作曲'。作曲家将这些舞曲合并成两套组曲,它们受到了法国老式小提琴二重奏传统的影响,这些二重奏的作者是博伊斯莫蒂埃(Boismortier)、科雷特(Corrette)或勒克莱尔(Leclair)。这首要求极高的室内乐演奏起来非常有趣,既适合上课,也适合音乐会"
作曲家: Senfter, Johanna
编者: Birtel, Wolfgang
校订者: Eichhorn, Friedemann
乐器: 2 violins
出版社: Schott Music
Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Gavotte - Gigue - Allemande - Bourrée - Menuett - Loure - Passepied ed Rondeau
The composer and violinist Johanna Senfter from Oppenheim wrote concert works, such as chamber music works for violin, her whole life. Being a pupil of Reger, who held her in high esteem, she composed 10 alte Tänze für 2 Violinen, Op. 91, which follow the style of Max Reger and even share his preference for 'composing in the old style'. The dances, which were combined by the composer to form two suites, are influenced by the tradition of the old French violin duos by Boismortier, Corrette or Leclair. This demanding chamber music is fun to play and suitable for both lessons and concerts.