
Complete Drumset Method Complete Edition

来自 Alfred Music
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任何对打架子鼓感兴趣的人都可以拿起这本节奏明快、内容全面的教学法,立即开始学习。初级概念包括鼓棒技巧、小军鼓基本技巧、重音、力度和阅读鼓谱。中级主题包括三连音、摇摆八分音符、沙狐拍、flam 和 drag、高级击鼓技巧以及增强耐力的实用主题。最后,本书还介绍了高级技巧,如多拍滚奏、十六分音符放克节拍、高级十六分音符协调、创建鼓填充的系统,以及蓝调、非洲-古巴、巴西和爵士风格的范例。无论您是刚刚开始学习架子鼓,还是希望提高演奏水平的高级演奏者,这本书都是您唯一需要的。随书还附有一张 MP3 CD,用于示范示例和伴奏"

作曲家: Pete Sweeney
乐器: Drumset
出版社: Alfred Music
Anyone interested in playing the drumset can pick up this well-paced, comprehensive method and get started right away. Beginning concepts include stick techniques, snare drum rudiments, accents, dynamics, and reading drumset music. Intermediate topics include triplets, swing eighths, shuffle beats, the flam and drag, advanced rudiments, and practical topics for building endurance. The book concludes with advanced techniques such as multiple-bounce rolls, sixteenth-note funk beats, advanced sixteenth-note coordination, a system for creating drum fills, and examples in blues, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, and jazz styles. Whether you are just starting to learn drumset, or are an advanced player looking to improve your playing, this is the only book you will ever need. An MP3 CD demonstrating examples and for playing along is included.

试听: Beginning Rock Beats

页数: 288
重量(g): 952.543977
ISBN: 9780739072165
UPC: 38081401133
