
Za´s (1748) -Ballet héro´que in a Prologue and vier acts- Ballet héroïque in a prologue and 4 acts 拉摩 芭蕾 开场白 芭蕾 开场白 骑熊士版

来自 Bärenreiter
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扎伊斯》是拉莫的第一部歌剧,完全以 "la féerie "为主题。"la féerie "是中东神话中的魔幻世界,充满了精灵和奇异的生物。该剧于 1748 年 2 月 29 日在巴黎歌剧院首演,因其音乐的表现力、优雅和多样性以及芭蕾舞的魅力而广受赞誉。虽然路易-德-卡胡萨克(Louis de Cahusac)的剧本受到了批评,但这部令人愉悦的作品却大受欢迎:1761 年和 1769 年又重新上演,二十多年来共演出了 100 多场"

作曲家: Rameau, Jean-Philippe
改编者: Saint-Yves, François
校订者: Sadler, Graham
乐器: voice with instruments 声乐与器乐
出版社: Bärenreiter 骑熊士(小熊版)
“Zaïs” was Rameau’s first opera which was entirely devoted to “la féerie”, the enchanted world of myth from the Middle East with its spirits and fantastic creatures. It was first performed on 29 February 1748 at the Paris Opera and was much praised for its expressive power, elegance and variety of its music as well as for the charm of its ballet. Although the libretto by Louis de Cahusac was criticised, the delightful work proved very popular: it was revived in 1761 and 1769 and for more than two decades received over 100 performances.

Like most of Rameau’s operas, “Zaïs” was extensively revised during the composer’s lifetime and afterwards. Revisions already began during the first rehearsals and continued until the first performance. The composer and the librettist Cahusac finally used the Easter period in 1748 to work on those revisions; as well as structural changes and musical substitutions, these included some substantial additions to vocal and instrumental movements. The version which was performed after Easter is more convincing, both musically and dramatically.

In contrast, the revivals of 1761 and 1769 – the first after Cahusac’s death, the second after Rameau’s – contained drastic cuts including the entire prologue.

For the new volume in the “Opera Omnia Rameau” the version from Easter 1748 has been chosen as the primary source. For performances, a choice can be made between this and the original version; a series of insertions links all the passages with another.

页数: XVI, 356 S.
重量(g): 886
尺寸(cm): 27,0 x 19,0 cm
ISMN: 9790006533466
