
Variations for Piano and Violin 莫扎特 变奏曲 变奏曲 小提琴(含钢琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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没有哪个室内乐流派能像莫扎特的钢琴与小提琴二重奏一样,拥有如此众多的作品。除了 16 首奏鸣曲外,莫扎特还在 1781 年(即他在维也纳的第一年)创作了两首变奏曲。二重奏/四重奏与变奏曲的结合使这两部作品尤为著名。这两部作品,尤其是第二部 G 小调作品,都是最优秀的莫扎特作品"

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
校订者: Ernst F. Schmid
乐器: Piano; Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
No chamber-music genre was honored with so many works as Mozart's duos for piano and violin. As well as the 16 sonatas they include two variation cycles which Mozart composed in 1781, thus in his first Viennese year, and were most likely intended for his various pupils and students. The combination of duo/duet and variation was to make the two works especially well known. Both cycles, especially the second one in G minor, are finest Mozart.

页数: 36
重量(g): 153.09
UPC: 884088173821
