
Italian Violin Music of the Baroque Era - Volume I Violin and Piano 意大利小提琴 巴洛克时期 小提琴(含钢琴伴奏) 亨乐版

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在 17 世纪早期意大利出现的独奏奏鸣曲中,可以发现乐器演奏的精湛技艺和巴洛克思想的新动力。这本有趣的巴洛克时期意大利小提琴音乐合集在选曲时考虑到了这两个方面。第一卷集中收录了两组作品:一组是罗马的科雷利、博洛尼亚的托雷利和佛罗伦萨的维拉奇尼;另一组是意大利巴洛克最后一代作曲家中的三位著名代表--杰米尼亚尼、塔尔蒂尼和洛卡特利,他们的影响范围从帕多瓦经阿姆斯特丹延伸至英国。所有作品都是根据原始数据编辑的,因此可以通过久经考验的 Urtext 方式清晰地了解这些巴洛克珍品。序言中对演奏实践和低音提琴的实现作了解释性说明,并列出了变体读法,为这一经过精心研究的Urtext版本画上了圆满的句号"

作曲家: Various
校订者: Paul Brainard
乐器: Piano; Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Instrumental virtuosity and the new impulses of baroque thought are to be found in the solo sonatas that came into being in Italy from the early decades of the 17th century. Both aspects have been taken into account when selecting pieces for this interesting collected edition of Italian violin music of the baroque era. The first volume concentrates on two groups: on the one hand on Corelli in Rome, Torelli in Bologna and Veracini in Florence; and on the other, on the three famous representatives of the last generation of Italian baroque composers – Geminiani, Tartini and Locatelli – whose sphere of influence extended from Padua via Amsterdam to England. All the works have been edited on the basis of the original sources, and therefore provide, in the tried and tested Urtext manner, a clear view of these baroque treasures. The preface gives explanatory notes on performance practice and basso continuo realization, and a list of variant readings rounds off this well-researched Urtext edition.

页数: 174
重量(g): 847.665
UPC: 884088175450
