
Symphonie Nr.4 ‘Los Angeles’ 佩尔特.阿尔沃 交响曲 总谱 环球版

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洛杉矶爱乐乐团艺术总监乍得-史密斯(Chad Smith)长期以来一直希望委约阿尔沃-帕特创作一部新作品。2007 年 2 月,当洛杉矶爱乐乐团向阿尔沃-帕特提出这一想法时,这一建议恰逢其时。当时,帕特正在创作一部古老的斯拉夫教会教规,其中包含对守护天使的祈祷--与 "洛杉矶 "的联系令人难以抗拒。帕特希望看到这部作品由世界上最好的交响乐团之一--洛杉矶爱乐乐团在其音乐总监埃萨-佩卡-萨洛宁(Esa-Pekka Salonen)的指挥下,在当代最激动人心的音乐厅之一--沃尔特-迪斯尼音乐厅演奏,这进一步激发了他接受委托的想法。在总监克里斯-莱瑟姆(Chris Latham)的不懈努力下,堪培拉国际音乐节(Canberra International Music Festival / Ars Musica Australis)和悉尼音乐学院(Sydney Conservatorium of Music)作为联合委托方加入了该项目。帕尔特花了这么长时间(37 年)才创作出他的第四交响曲,这可能会让人感到惊讶。第三交响曲于 1971 年问世,当时正值转型期,帕特尚未完全形成他至今仍在使用的 "丁丁纳布利风格"。自从形成这种风格后,帕尔特就再也没有写过任何在范围或结构上可称为 "交响乐 "的管弦乐作品。他将第四交响曲称为 "洛杉矶",以此来纪念他作曲生涯中的这一重要阶段。第四交响曲》吸收了帕尔特为弦乐队创作的《这些话......》,该作品于 2008 年 5 月在哥本哈根首演。正如之前在帕尔特的一些早期器乐作品中看到的那样,文本的所有参数(音节数、语气、标点符号等)在作品结构中起着决定性的作用。阿尔沃-帕特曾将第四交响曲《洛杉矶》献给米哈伊尔-霍多尔科夫斯基"

作曲家: Paert, Arvo
乐器: for string orchestra, harp, timpani and percussion
出版社: Universal Edition
Chad Smith, Artistic Director of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, has long nurtured the desire to commission a new work by Arvo Pärt. When the Los Angeles Philharmonic submitted this idea to Arvo Pärt in February 2007, the suggestion came at precisely the right moment. Pärt was working at that time with an ancient canon in Church Slavonic containing a prayer to a guardian angel - the connection to 'Los Angeles' was irresistible. Pärt was further inspired to take the commission by the idea of seeing this work performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic, one of the best orchestras in the world, under its music director Esa-Pekka Salonen, and in the Walt Disney Concert Hall, one of the most exciting concert buildings of our time. The Canberra International Music Festival / Ars Musica Australis and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music joined the project as co-commissioners, thanks to the committed work of director Chris Latham. It may come as a surprise that it has taken so long (37 years) for Pärt to produce his fourth symphony. Symphony No. 3 emerged in 1971, in a time of transition before Pärt had fully developed the 'Tintinnabuli style' which he still employs today. Since developing this style, Pärt has not written any orchestral works which could be called 'symphonic' in scope or structure. With Symphony No. 4, which he calls 'Los Angeles', he creates a reference to this essential phase in his compositional life. Symphony No. 4 incorporates Pärt's These Words… for string orchestra, which was premiered in May 2008 in Copenhagen. As was previously seen in some of Pärt's early instrumental works, all parameters of the text (number of syllables, inflection, punctuation etc) play a decisive role in the structure of the composition. Arvo Pärt has dedicated Symphony No. 4 'Los Angeles' to Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

页数: 0
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790008083020
ISBN: 9783702469627
