
Háry János-Suite 组曲 总谱 环球版

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这一版本以 1927 年出版的第一本印刷乐谱(UE 8943 环球版)为基础,并与柯达伊本人的指挥稿、布达佩斯佐尔坦-柯达伊档案馆收藏的另外三本乐谱(其中包含亲笔签名的注释)以及出版社档案馆收藏的舞台作品钢琴缩写本和管弦乐部分的修改稿进行了比较。目前的新版本只采用了尽可能多的可真实追溯到作曲家修改意图的改动。这些改动主要是动态或节奏上的重音,因此没有必要提供详细的评论报告。(费伦茨-博尼斯)

作曲家: Harsányi, Zsolt / Kodaly, Zoltan / Paulini, Béla
乐器: for large orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition
This edition is based on the fi rst printed score published in 1927 (Universal Edition UE 8943), and was compared with Kodály’s own conductor’s copy, three additional scores held in the Budapest Zoltán Kodály Archives containing autograph notes, as well as the corrections from the piano reduction and the orchestral parts of the stage work, kept in the archives of the publisher. The present new edition has adopted only as many changes as could be authentically traced back to the composer’s intentions of revision. These being preponderantly dynamic or agogic accents, the provision of a detailed Critical Report was deemed unnecessary. (Ferenc Bónis)

页数: 0
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790008084461
ISBN: 9783702471149
