
String Quartets Volume 8, Op. 64 (Second Tost Quartets) Study Score 海登 弦乐四重奏 总谱 亨乐版

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这四重奏是献给小提琴家约翰-托斯特的,他是 1780 年代埃斯特哈希宫廷的第二首席小提琴家。他的商业头脑促使他将 12 首四重奏作品(作品 64 可能是其中之一)卖给了巴黎的一家出版商。海登是否同意这样做还有待商榷--不过,在第二版或之后的版本中已不再有题词。我们的版本沿用了海登全集版本,并首次将降 E 大调四重奏与两首原始三重奏并列在一起"

作曲家: Joseph Haydn
校订者: Georg Feder
乐器: String Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
The quartets were dedicated to the violinist Johann Tost, who was the second principal violinist at the Esterházy court during the 1780s. His business sense led him to sell twelve quartets – opus 64 was probably amongst them – to a Parisian publisher. Whether Haydn approved of this is open to question – the dedication was, however, no longer present in the second imprint or the following ones. Our edition follows the Haydn Complete Edition and for the first time juxtaposes the quartet in E flat major and the two original trios.

页数: 0
重量(g): 235.305
UPC: 884088349370
