
String Quartet in G Major, Op. 106 德弗札克 弦乐四重奏 亨乐版

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1895 年秋,从纽约一劳永逸地返回布拉格后,德沃夏克在布拉格音乐学院担任了他以前的教师。这显然对他产生了鼓舞人心的影响,因为在短短四周时间里,他就创作了一首新的 G 大调弦乐四重奏。这首作品与降A大调四重奏Op. 与降 A 大调四重奏作品 105 一起,为他的室内乐作品画上了光辉的句号。在这里,波希米亚民间音乐的回声与圣歌式的主题交织在一起,而他的动机创作则显示出他是一位处于巅峰状态的大师。即使在今天,我们也几乎能感受到作曲家对这部作品的满意之情: "我的工作如此轻松,进展如此顺利,没有比这更好的了"""

作曲家: Antonín Dvorák
校订者: Peter Jost
乐器: String Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In autumn 1895, after returning from New York once and for all, Dvorák took up his former position as teacher at the Prague Conservatory. This clearly had an inspiring impact on him because in the space of just four weeks he composed a new string quartet in G major. Together with the Quartet in A-flat major op. 105, it forms a glorious close to his chamber music oeuvre. Echoes of Bohemian folk music are here mixed with cantabile themes, while his motivic working shows him to be a master at the height of his power. Even today, it seems almost as if we can feel the composers satisfaction with this work: “I am working so easily and it is going so smoothly that I could not wish it better.”

页数: 0
重量(g): 343.035
UPC: 888680745356
