
Arcanum Sonata for Viola and Piano 奏鸣曲中提琴(含钢琴伴奏)

来自 Sikorski
原价 $1,700TWD - 原价 $1,700TWD
$1,700TWD - $1,700TWD
现价 $1,700TWD

莱拉-奥尔巴赫的作品《Arcanum》创作于 2013 年,是为中提琴家金-卡什卡什安而作。独奏家与作曲家于 2013 年 4 月 23 日在沃韦的一次小型巡演中进行了世界首演。一天后,德国首演于 4 月 24 日在路德维希港举行,随后希腊首演于 4 月 26 日在雅典举行。"Arcanum "是一部由位于沃韦的 "Arts et Lettres "协会委托创作的作品。作曲家为这部作品的四个乐章起了拉丁文标题: 1. Advenio》、《Cinis》、《Postremo》和《Adempte》。Adempte"

作曲家: Lera Auerbach
乐器: Viola; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Sikorski
Lera Auerbach's work “Arcanum”, composed in 2013, was written for the violist Kim Kashkashian. The Soloist performed the world premiere together with the composer on 23 April 2013 in Vevey, during the course of a small tour. One day later the German premiere was given on 24 April in Ludwigshafen, followed by the Greece premiere on 26 April in Athens. “Arcanum” is a commissioned work by the society “Arts et Lettres”, based in Vevey. The composer had given Latin titles to the four movements of this composition: 1. Advenio, 2. Cinis, 3. Postremo and 4. Adempte.

页数: 52
重量(g): 181.44
UPC: 888680747022
