
Van Gogh Blue for ensemble 总谱 朔特版

来自 Schott Music
原价 $1,200TWD - 原价 $1,200TWD
$1,200TWD - $1,200TWD
现价 $1,200TWD

起点是文森特-凡高的书信集。尽管梵高因悲剧而闻名,但他的信中充满了对实际工作的喜悦:他下一步要画什么,最重要的是,他要用什么颜色。在朱利安-安德森看来,画家似乎很享受 "他的艺术就是由这些纯粹的东西构成的"。在《梵高之蓝》中,安德森对他自己的艺术的纯粹性津津乐道。这是一部非常有形、对比强烈的作品,讲述的是声音带来的快乐。乐器的色彩起了很大的作用,安德森使用了两位移动的单簧管演奏家,当他们的声音在大厅的声学空间中移动时,就会产生额外的色彩"

作曲家: Anderson, Julian
乐器: ensemble
出版社: Schott Music

I L'Aube, soleil naissant - II Les Vignobles - III Les Alpilles - IV Eygalieres - V la nuit, peindre les étoiles (le 25 mai 1889, 4:40am)

The starting point was the collected letters of Vincent van Gogh. In spite of the tragedies for which van Gogh is best known, his letters are filled with joyous exuberance for the practical considerations of his work: what he will paint next and, most importantly, what colours he will use. For Julian Anderson, it seems the painter relishes ‘the sheer stuff of which his art is made’. In Van Gogh Blue, Anderson relishes the sheer stuff of which his own art is made. It’s a very physical, highly contrasted work about the joy of sound. Instrumental colour plays a large role, and Anderson’s use of two mobile clarinetists allows extra colour as their sound moves through the acoustic space of the hall.
页数: 56
重量(g): 210
ISMN: 9790220137204
UPC: 841886028883