
Symphony No. 2 麦克米伦.詹姆士 交响曲 总谱 博浩版

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这部为室内管弦乐队谱写的作品创作于 1999 年,以麦克米伦 1985 年创作的较短的钢琴奏鸣曲为基础。该作品创作于艾尔郡的一个严冬:作曲家回忆起荒芜的树木和坚硬冰冻的地面,除了鹅卵石发出的刺耳空洞的啼叫声外,四周空旷寂静。在这三个乐章中,音乐传达出一种哀伤、绝望和荒凉的情绪。在《第二交响曲》中,原作被 "打开",以新的形式扩展,有时是根据色彩的潜力,有时是根据戏剧性甚至是原本未曾见过的潜力。第一乐章很短,是更长的第二乐章的预备乐章。第三乐章是一个简短的后奏曲,几乎是对已听过的内容的一个余音,其间在引用瓦格纳的《特里斯坦与伊索尔德》中的一些片段时,陈述了对前几个乐章的一些主要回忆"

作曲家: MacMillan, James
乐器: chamber orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

Composer's note - Anmerkung des Komponisten - Note du compositeur - Instrumentation - Symphony No. 2

Scored for chamber orchestra and dating from 1999, this work is built on MacMillan’s shorter Piano Sonata of 1985. That work was composed during a bitter Ayrshire winter: the composer recalls the barren trees and hard frozen ground of a landscape that was empty and silent but for the harsh, hollow cry from the rookeries. Throughout the three movements the music conveys a mood of elegy, despair and desolation. In Symphony no 2 the original has been ‘opened up’ to new forms of expansion, sometimes according to colouristic potential, at other times to dramatic or even originally unseen potential. The first movement is short and preparatory to the more extended second movement. The third movement is a brief postlude, almost an afterthought to what has been heard, during which some of the principal memories of the earlier movements are stated over some quotations from Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde.
页数: 84
重量(g): 270
ISMN: 9790060132148
ISBN: 9781784542054
UPC: 888680708979